Well, FOMO is done. I had an awesome time hanging out with a bunch of my wonderful friends. Melissa made me a fabulous cake. I think a good time was had by all.
I wasn't going to update this until I knew exactly when I was leaving and where I was going, but I got tired of seeing the two weeks out-of-date post.
I've started photographing and cataloging all of my gear for insurance purposes. Hopefully, I will finish that today and be mostly packed by tomorrow. Ideally, I'd like to hit the road Thursday. We'll see how that goes.
The plan is to head to the Red River Gorge for a while, first. I don't know, though. The weather Friday and Saturday looks awful...pretty much everywhere. I suppose if I'm going to sit around in the rain, the Red is as good a place as any to do it. Next weekend, Eric, Bev, and Jeff are supposed to come out and meet up with me...either at the Red or in the Chattanooga area. That will be cool.
OK, more to come when I hit the road.